I Am A Designer: Nationwide Survey

I Am A Designer: Nationwide Survey

Ireland’s design industry is on a transformative journey. Be part of it and lend your voice to the representative voice of Irish designers, the IDI.

Fill in the I Am A Designer Survey

We are excited to launch I Am A Designer, a groundbreaking, nationwide survey aimed at creating a clearer picture of the Irish design industry - where you live, work and what type of design you do. 

It is short, but important. 

We need every graphic designer. Every product designer. Every architect. Every UX, UI, motion, interaction and web designer. Every illustrator. Every fashion designer. Every design educator. Every interior, lighting and textile designer… if you consider yourself a professional designer, we need to hear from you. 

We have nearly 50 design disciplines listed, but if you don’t find yours there, or the way you prefer to describe your discipline, fill us in on that as well. Completing this survey will help us to build stronger design communities, and empower us to best represent our entire industry. The data collected for this project will inform our interactions with government agencies, allowing us to lobby for change on your behalf. 

We’ll be live until the 29th of February 2024 so click the link below to get started!


Take the Survey here.