Resources for Designers

Whether you’re just starting out or well established in your career, find relevant information on events, publications and more.

Design Skillnet

Design Skillnet

Training and CPD for Designers

IDI is delighted to partner with Skillnet Ireland in a designer-centred training initiative with subsidised training for designers

IDI Member Discounts

IDI Member Discounts

The IDI have partnered with a range of businesses to offer our members financial discounts on professional services.
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Publications and Reports

Publications and Reports

Original publications covering a range of topics. Find information on the IDI, its resources and organisation; annual reports, survey findings and the Irish design landscape.
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Publications Archive

Publications Archive

We have an archive of previous publications and reports available to download.
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Service Design

Service Design

A brief introduction to why design methods and thinking can be useful when developing services.
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© Design Council 2015

Inclusion by Design: Equality, diversity and the built environment

Inclusion by Design: Equality, diversity and the built environment

CABE at Design Council UK sets out its position on equality, diversity and the built environment.
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© Design Council 2015

The Cost of Bad Design

The Cost of Bad Design

Everyone can think of a building they hate, a place that really depresses them or a place where they’d call in the bulldozers.
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© Design Council 2015

Changing Behaviour by Design

Changing Behaviour by Design

The Behavioural Design Lab is a collaboration between Warwick Business School and the Design Council, uniting behavioural science with design thinking.
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© Design Council 2015

The Principles of Inclusive Design (They include you)

The Principles of Inclusive Design (They include you)

Inclusive design aims to remove the barriers that create undue effort and separation. It enables everyone to participate equally, confidently and independently in everyday activities.
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© Design Council 2015

UK Design Industry Research 2010

UK Design Industry Research 2010

In Autumn 2009, the Design Council conducted its second comprehensive survey of the UK design industry.
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© Design Council 2015

Innovation by Design

Innovation by Design

In 2014 the Design Council commissioned Innovation by Design, an evaluation report from Technopolis Group on the role of design in the commercialisation of science and technology research.
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© Design Council 2015

Measuring the Value and Role of Design

Measuring the Value and Role of Design

The UK Design Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) both believe that design plays a key role in economic and social value creation.
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© Design Council 2015

Designing the Digital Economy

Designing the Digital Economy

A new independent report published by the Design Commission warns that the UK’s digital economy will not fulfil its social or economic potential without a concerted focus on design.
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© Design Council 2015

Designing Demand

Designing Demand

This report summarises the findings of the first national evaluation of the UK Design Council’s Designing Demand programme.
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© Design Council 2015

Design for Innovation

Design for Innovation

This report, published to coincide with the UK government’s 2011 Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth, sets out the facts, figures and plans for growth of the design industry.
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© Design Council 2015

International Design Scoreboard

International Design Scoreboard

The International Design Scoreboard reports on findings from a two-year project to compare design capabilities across nations.
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© Design Council 2015

Company Spending on Design

Company Spending on Design

Company spending on design is a comprehensive guide to how much UK companies spend on design.
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© Design Council 2015

11 lessons: A study of the design process

11 lessons: A study of the design process

How do leading companies incorporate design into their business practice?
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© Design Council 2015

Design for Public Good

Design for Public Good

Research and analysis on design-led innovation in the public sector has been compiled into one research report, Design for Public Good. 
It highlights best practice and explains the value of design techniques for governments across the EU.
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© Design Council 2015